So Hillary Clinton is actually suggesting that she'll suspend her presidential campaign on Saturday. She wants her supporters to support Obama. That'd be swell, and some of them might actually do it. Not these crazies, though. Sure, Obama has crazy supporters too, they just don't have a website that I can easily access. This website is pure, unadulterated crazy. Be sure to read some of the comments; several Fark.com memes have resulted from this one website. It's madness.
Let's all move on to the craziness that will be the Veepstakes. I realistically want an Obama/Clark ticket, but would settle for Obama/The Doctor. Hillary has already managed to inject herself into this mess, saying that she'd be willing to serve as Obama's VP for the good of the party. I am only glad that it will occur before school starts so that I can observe the madness. Sadly, I'll be feverishly studying during the conventions, but I'll make time for that too.
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