18 January, 2010


So between about 10pm last night and 1pm today, we managed to get at least a foot of snow. I didn't measure it because I was too busy cursing as it came up to my knees when I walked out to meet Cathy today. We live in a city that has epic plows of doom. They circulate not infrequently and clear our streets so that they are passable. However, the snow that they move has to go somewhere, generally along the periphery of the street. This means that it gets pushed into driveways. Yup, we had a veritable 2.5 foot tall jersey barrier of snow in our driveway today. I spent about 30 minutes hacking away at a portion of it with a snow shovel from Wal*Mart, dutifully piling up hunks of snow and ice on the snow covered lawn. I had triumphantly (pathetically?) cleared about a quarter of the entire thing when our neighbor with the industrial strength snow blower showed up to clear the entire jersey barrier and our driveway in 25 minutes. I am torn between feeling depressed by the futility of my actions and impressed by the relative ease that the snow blower did its job. Either way, I think I owe that man a good bottle of wine or cookies.

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