30 November, 2008

Holidays take one

Our first attempt at a holiday far away from our families went quite well. Yeah, we missed our families, but we did well for ourselves. We ate too much, but not as much as we would've had we gone home. We played video games, hung out with people, and basically went about life as if I were not in medical school...aside from the random bit of studying, that is. It was strange to go to school and study, which I did (only because Husband had to work) and then come home and not have to study anymore. Instead, we could do, y'know, other things. Like watch a lot of "Doctor Who" or "Psych."

We're gearing up for the third round of exams (holy shit, right?) and I finally bit the bullet and bought another biochemistry book on the grounds that our teacher isn't teaching me biochemistry, so someone sure has to, and it looks like it's going to be me. Right now, I am surrounded by anatomy texts and biochemistry texts.

Have you ever seen a picture of the gall bladder? They always color it green. I thought this was just a color convention, sort of like how carbon is always black in organic chemistry.

It's not.

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