29 January, 2009

Snow Drift of Doom

Dear City of Saco,
I appreciate that you plow the streets. Heck, you plowing the streets is one of the main reasons that we moved to the apartment that we did. I love watching it snow, primarily because I know that within a half hour or so, I will hear the reassuring rumble of your plowing monstrosities clearing my street. That said, I have a bone to pick with you. Last night, husband and I went down to clear our driveway, which was a non-trivial task. There was significant snow but we prevailed, reassured that, because we'd cleared our driveway last night, that we would have no problems. This is where you come in.

Your rumbling creatures plowed our road, yes. In the process, however, they managed to push a massive drift of sludge, snow, and ice into our drive way. It was big; big enough that to drive over it would destroy the underside of my not trivially sized SUV. What's more, this two-feet thing of snow had managed to freeze, leaving me to ponder how, without any metal snow shovels, I was to get to class. Yes, I know, we should have metal snow shovels, but when you buy your snow gear at Reny's you pretty much get whatever they happen to have that day. Luckily, I was not alone. I have an awesome husband, and good neighbors with metal tools. It took four of us a half an hour to clear this...thing in such a way that I could drive to school. I would appreciate it if you could somehow keep the massive barricade of snow and ice out of my driveway, as well as the driveways of my neighbors.

At least I don't have to go to the gym today, which is good. I no longer have time due to the snow barricade of doom.


27 January, 2009

End of January? What?!

1. I have officially finished my first course, Embryology. While I did not high pass it (unless some sort of bizarre miracle occurs), I did pass it, possibly above the class average.
2. I am nearly done with the application for my secret plan for summer.
3. The other day, I felt sort of warm. Then I realized it was 37 degrees. It hasn't gotten that warm since.
4. The real proof that I live somewhere that has winter is compliments of www.weather.com. "WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM WEDNESDAY TO 3 AM EST THURSDAY...A WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 6 AM WEDNESDAY TO 3 AM EST THURSDAY.TOTAL SNOWFALL AMOUNTS IN THE WARNING AREA WILL RANGE FROM 10 TO 15 INCHES." Apparently they have to yell across the internet.
5. Cranial Nerve quiz on Friday. Biochem quiz on Thursday.
...I'm almost done with my first set of classes...new classes to commence at the end of February...

24 January, 2009

Busy, busy, busy

There are no words for how much I have to do.

19 January, 2009

New beginnings

I'm sitting here in my living room, watching my boy play a game on the Wii Fit, and I can't help but think that I would give anything to whisk Chris and I away to the inauguration tomorrow. Instead, we're doing what countless Americans are doing tomorrow. We're going to work. Missing this historic day is made more difficult by the fact that my mother, father, two aunts, four cousins and one of their husbands have descended upon our nation's capitol like a whirling dervish. They've been there for a few days and I can't help but think that perhaps our nation's capitol wasn't ready for them.

But I wouldn't take their places. For one, two of my cousins are under the age of sixteen. Being able to witness history will be amazing for them. They'll never forget it. More importantly, though, I would never take my father's place.

My father grew up in the south prior to the civil rights movement. His childhood was one of segregation; he didn't share bathrooms, schools, water fountains, or bus seats with non-whites. Although he might not have thought about it much as a child, as an adult the injustice haunted him. He knew that that environment had been unfair, that he had gotten advantages simply due to the color of his skin.

The last time my father went to D.C., he found the name of his dear friend on the Vietnam wall and cried. This time, he goes to celebrate. If he cries, they will be tears of joy.
It's weird to have snow stay on the ground long enough to get gross, grey, wet, and then freeze again, in globular, heinous shapes. Then, another layer of snow will fall on top of these shapes, making the dirt disappear and the shape slightly enlarged. It's not really pretty or poetic. It's more like the Pillsbury dough boy took a massive dump on the lawn.

In other news, I wish I was in D.C. this week and I am starting to grow fond of the east coast. Not fond enough to stay forever, mind you. I'm a west coast girl. I like drizzle and cloud cover and wind storms and mountains that are actually worth noticing.

I also want to high pass my classes. This is not going to happen as I'm having a really hard time motivating myself.

13 January, 2009

i may be the worst wife in the world. at least i feel like it right now.

12 January, 2009

Boy, kitty, beer

Last night, husband and I were watching "Chuck" which is a good, good show. We were sitting on the couch, me with a cat on one side, a boy on the other, and a beer in hand. I actually said, "This is pretty good. I've got boy, beer, and kitty."

Then the boy moved.
Then the kitty moved.
I was down to beer.

09 January, 2009

Water, water, everywhere

Floods are attacking my home state. There was an unprecedented amount of snow in December, and now the snow is melting and it's continuing to rain, causing massive flooding. The local paper has photos showing just how much water has accumulated. These are places I've driven, lived, visited. It's hard to watch from so far away.

05 January, 2009


Peace out.

New Years' Resolution

Now, people are notoriously bad at making New Years' Resolutions. This is because we are either way too ambitious, i.e. let's lose fifty pounds by June, or we simply don't keep them. I generally find it better to not make resolutions at all. I think I'll break that rule this year. I think my resolutions are achievable though.

1. tell husband that I love him every day (already do this).
2. exercise a reasonable amount (taking a week off makes it hard to get back to it).
3. set self up with a psychiatrist/counselor to work on some issues.
4. call my best friend more often (sorry A).
5. do reasonably well in school (i.e. pass everything and get used to it being enough).
6. hug kitties.
7. attempt to actually do the biochem reading this block. doing it right before/during class doesn't count.