16 January, 2010

New Year's Ramblings

So I won't lie. The Haiti thing is really getting to me. I mean, it's just so completely ridiculous. Haiti was already one of the most unstable, impoverished nations in the world and now they have to deal with the fact that most, if not all, of their infrastructure is destroyed.

That and I saw Sanjay Gupta treating a 15 day old infant with a skull laceration yesterday. On CNN. I started to cry, at the gym, while running on the treadmill. I then gave all of the money in my wallet to Doctors Without Borders (MSF).

I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up, but it might be a good idea to avoid growing up for the foreseeable future.

I'm learning to read EKGs. It's essentially like trying to comprehend the scribbles of your best friend's child; they mean something to them, but to you, they're gibberish. It's one of those skills, however, that I think every doctor should have, even if all they can do is think, "huh, this is not good. I better call a cardiologist/the ER."

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