11 February, 2010


Our school has a several opportunities for students to work with and interact with patients. One of them is a free manipulative medicine (OMM) clinic that second years can rotate through. Another is a local free clinic for low income patients. In both circumstances, students are precepted by physicians, but there is an awful lot of autonomy given to us in our little tasks. I have had the great fortune of working in both situations; sadly there are not enough spots for every student to participate. In my time in the clinics, I have seem a lot of patient overlap, to the point where I saw a patient regularly in the OMM clinic only to see her the other day in the free clinic in town. I really enjoy this patient; she's a feisty lady. Anyway, when I went out to call her in for her appointment, we had the following exchange.

Pt: It's you again.
Me: I hope that's a good thing...?
Pt: Don't you ever sleep? You need to sleep.

I think she's just great.

1 comment:

OMDG said...

Feisty patients rule.