19 June, 2009

I had one of those weeks where everything I did seemed to go wrong, except when I was working with the PM&R resident on a patient's chart and got her pimping questions right. I like her, I've decided. Other than that, though, everything seemed to go wrong. My mentor didn't realize that I was actually enrolled in the MSTAR program, and thus didn't realize that I actually had to do some kind of research project. This would, I guess, explain why he was so confused when I kept mentioning figuring out how we would collect data. I think it's better now, as we've had a brainstorming session, Maybe. Either that or I'll somehow manage to get kicked out of the MSTAR program, which would suck. I just have to keep reminding myself that the goals of this program are to:

1. learn about how to do research.
2. do a research project, obviously a small one, as program is just during summer.
3. learn about the research process, e.g. hypothesis forming (got it), literature review (totally got it), methods (um...workin' on it), data collection (um...yeah workin' on it), results (so not there yet), and discussion (I'm pretty verbose so this should be easy).

Also, I'm writing this on the train to Maine (yes, that's actually Amtrak's slogan; cheesy ain't it). The future is NOW!.

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