18 September, 2008

Nurse Ninjas

Most nurses are ninjas, at least when it comes to respiratory illnesses. I have chronic asthma, which I have had since childhood. As such, I am normally quite skilled at managing it and rarely have symptoms. When I do have symptoms, it's usually due to upper respiratory infections or other illnesses. Currently, I have such an illness. Yesterday, I went to the school clinic to get a refill on my albuterol (I know, I know, I shouldn't have even let it run that low) and to have the nurse practitioner listen to my lungs to make sure I wasn't dying. I walk in and she's talking to a drug rep, but the RN is available. I basically say, "Hi," and before I can get anything else out, the RN has whisked me back to a room and is taking my vitals, listening to my chest, etc. It's like she had a weird nurse spide-y sense when it comes to asthma. It was quite remarkable.

I've had that happen before. Once, the nurse did it over the phone and demanded that I be driven to the clinic within the hour.

I don't know how they do it. Freakin' ninjas, I tells ya.

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